Devices Dashboard
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Devices Dashboard

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Article summary

The Device Dashboard in Splashtop Secure Workspace provides you with valuable insights into device usage and security statistics over time. Let's explore the different aspects of the Device Dashboard:

Desktop and Device Usage Metrics

The Device Dashboard displays statistics regarding the usage of desktops and other device types within your organization. Currently, the dashboard focuses on providing metrics specifically for desktop devices.

Top Risky Devices List

This section of the Device Dashboard highlights the top risky devices within your organization. It gives you an overview of the security health score of individual devices over time. By identifying devices with lower security health scores, you can take appropriate actions to enhance their security posture and protect your organization's data.

The Device Dashboard presents the trending of device enrollments over time. This information allows you to monitor the number of active devices within your organization and track any changes in device usage patterns.

Top 10 Active Devices and Active Device Users

Here, you will find the top 10 active devices and the trending of users who have been actively using these devices over time. This feature provides valuable insights into the most frequently used devices and the corresponding user activity, giving you better visibility into device utilization and user engagement.

Top 10 Recent Enrollment and Failed Posture Check Devices/Users

The Device Dashboard displays the top 10 recently enrolled devices, providing you with information about the latest additions to your device inventory. Additionally, it highlights the top 10 users and devices that have failed posture checks, indicating potential security vulnerabilities or non-compliance with security policies. This information helps you identify devices or users that require further attention or security measures.

Device Usage Chart

Lastly, the Device Dashboard presents a chart that visualizes device usage patterns. This chart provides a graphical representation of how devices are being utilized within your organization, helping you analyze trends and make informed decisions regarding device management and resource allocation.

In conclusion, the Device Dashboard in Splashtop Secure Workspace offers comprehensive insights into device usage and security. By monitoring top risky devices, tracking device enrollments and active device users, and identifying recent enrollments and failed posture check devices/users, you can effectively manage your device inventory and ensure a secure device environment.

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