Access Dashboard
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Access Dashboard

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Article Summary

The Access Dashboard in Splashtop Secure Workspace provides you with an overview of access statistics across your organization, giving you valuable insights into user authentication trends, blocked users, blocked applications, client posture policies, user activity, and application usage. Let's explore the different aspects of the Access Dashboard:

The Access Dashboard presents a trend analysis of failed authentication attempts over time. This information allows you to monitor and identify any potential security risks or issues related to user authentication.

Top 10 Failed Authentication Users

This section provides a list of the top 10 users who have experienced the highest number of failed authentication attempts within a specific period. By identifying these users, you can take appropriate actions to address any account or authentication-related concerns.

Top 10 Blocked Users

The Access Dashboard also highlights the top 10 users who have been blocked by policies set by the administrator. This information helps you understand which users may have violated security policies or triggered security measures, allowing you to further investigate and take necessary actions.

Top 10 Blocked Applications

Here, you will find a list of the top 10 applications that have been blocked within your organization. This feature enables you to identify applications that may have raised security concerns or violated policy guidelines, giving you better control over application usage and security.

Top 10 Blocked Clients

The Access Dashboard tracks the top 10 desktop clients that have been blocked due to client posture policies. This information sheds light on clients that may have failed security posture checks or violated specified policies. By understanding these blocked clients, you can ensure a secure and compliant client environment.

User Inactivity and Unused Applications

In addition to monitoring failed authentications and blocked users, the Access Dashboard also provides a list of inactive users and applications that have not been used within a given timeframe. This feature helps you identify users who may no longer require access or applications that can potentially be removed, optimizing resource allocation and enhancing security.

In conclusion, the Access Dashboard in Splashtop Secure Workspace offers comprehensive insights into access statistics within your organization. By monitoring failed authentication trends, identifying blocked users, applications, and clients, and managing user inactivity and application usage, you can maintain a secure and efficient access environment.

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