Application Sharing
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Application Sharing

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Article summary

Splashtop Secure Workspace offers a powerful feature called Application Link Sharing that allows IT administrators to securely share applications with external contractors, ensuring controlled access and real-time session monitoring. This feature enables seamless collaboration while maintaining a high level of security.

How it Works

IT admins can securely share a private application with an external contractor by generating a URL link. With this link, the contractor can access the application while following the security measures put in place by the admin.

Flexible Access Control

The admin has full control over the sharing process. They can specify the number of times the link can be accessed, set an expiration time for the link, and provide accounts that the contractor can use to access the private application. This means that the contractor can access the application without needing to know the actual username and password.

Enhanced Security Measures

To ensure that only authorized individuals can use the shared link, a passphrase is required. This passphrase adds an extra layer of security, making sure that only those with the correct credentials can gain access to the application.

Seamless Access for Contractors

Once the link and passphrase are provided, the contractor can easily access the private application. By clicking on the link and entering the passphrase, they will be presented with a selection of assigned accounts. Upon choosing the appropriate account, they will gain access to the application and can begin their work.

With Application Link Sharing in Splashtop Secure Workspace, IT administrators can securely collaborate with external contractors while maintaining strict control over access and monitoring sessions in real-time. This feature enhances productivity and efficiency in external collaborations while ensuring the highest level of security for sensitive applications and data.

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