Zero Trust Application Secret
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Zero Trust Application Secret

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Article summary

Application: Choose a created application that you want to bind to this secret. Once bound, the shortcut to this application will be attached to this secret on the Secret Manager page. You can click on it to launch the application and use this secret within it.

Desktop App: Fill in this field with a system application from the list. This allows you to reference this secret when invoking these applications using the SSW Desktop app. Note: When selecting the option to bind a created application within the "Application" field, the system applications required for the launch of that application will be automatically filled in here.

Title: Provide a title for this secret.

Type: Choose from the following authentication types:

  • Http Proxy-Authentication: This authentication type is commonly used for web applications and APIs. It involves providing authentication schemes and credentials (usually a username and password) to access the application or API securely.
  • Http Proxy-Authentication: Similar to Http Authentication, Http Proxy-Authentication is used when connecting through a proxy server. It also requires authentication schemes and credentials for secure access.
  • Password: This authentication type typically involves providing a username and password. It is widely used for various applications and systems that require user authentication.
  • SSL Client Auth: SSL Client Authentication is used for secure connections. It requires a username, a private key, and a public key. This method ensures that the client is authenticated before establishing a secure connection.
  • Custom Header: Custom Header authentication involves specifying a custom header field and its corresponding value. This is often used when applications require specific headers for authentication or authorization purposes.

Note: Input for additional notes.

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