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Article Summary

In Splashtop Secure Workspace, secrets are securely managed and stored in two type of vaults: My Vault and Organization Vaults. These vaults provide a secure and isolated space for users and administrators to store and access their secrets.

My Vault: The My Vault is a personal password vault exclusive to each user. Only the user who possesses the master password and private key can access the secrets stored in their My Vault. This ensures the utmost privacy and control over personal secrets. Additionally, any secrets that are shared with the user by other users will also be listed in their My Vault, allowing for centralized access.

Organization Vault: The Organization Vaults are named after the organization they belong to and are owned by organization admins or super admins. These vaults serve as shared repositories of secrets within the organization. Regular users who do not have the org admin or super admin roles assigned will not have access to their organization's secret vault. However, org admins and super admins have the ability to create secrets or folders within the organization's secret vault and share them with specific groups or users. When secrets are shared, they will appear in the recipient's My Vault, ensuring easy access and centralized management.

By utilizing these two categories of secret vaults, Splashtop Secure Workspace enables users to securely store and access their personal secrets in the My Vault while facilitating secure sharing and collaboration within the organization's secret vaults. This ensures that sensitive information remains protected and accessible only to authorized individuals.

In Splashtop Secure Workspace, secrets stored in both My Vault and Organization Vault can be organized into folders or kept at the root level of the vault. This allows users to structure their secrets in a way that suits their needs and enhances organization and accessibility.

Organizing Secrets: Users have the flexibility to create folders within their vaults and arrange their secrets accordingly. This hierarchical structure enables users to categorize and manage their secrets in a logical manner. By organizing secrets into folders, users can easily locate and access the specific information they need, streamlining their workflow within the Secure Workspace.

Sharing Secrets: Splashtop Secure Workspace offers granular control over sharing secrets. Users have the ability to share secrets at both the individual secret level and the folder level. When a folder is shared, the sharing is recursive, meaning that all the secrets and subfolders within the shared folder are also shared with the designated recipients. This simplifies the process of sharing a collection of secrets, ensuring that all relevant information is accessible to the intended users.

By leveraging the organizing and sharing capabilities of Splashtop Secure Workspace, users can maintain a well-structured and secure repository of secrets. Whether it's creating folders to group related secrets or securely sharing sensitive information with colleagues, the platform empowers users with efficient management and controlled access to their confidential data.

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