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Article summary

The Applications in Splashtop Secure Workspace Mobile Client allows users to manage and access their applications. It provides a comprehensive view of all applications available to the user.

Applications Management

Within the Applications, the main area is dedicated to Applications Management. This section displays all application entries, with each app entry occupying a separate row. Each application entry includes the following details:

  • Application Display Name: The name of the application.
  • Protocol and Server Details: The protocol, hostname or IP address, and port of the server to connect to.
  • Availability Indicator: A colored dot indicating the availability of the application. Green indicates availability, orange signifies an unknown status, and gray represents offline status.
  • Options Menu: Clicking the "..." button reveals a menu with various options:
    • Web Access: Redirects to the Session Management tab and opens the application in a new embedded web page. (Note: Only applicable for web-accessible applications)
    • Share (for web-accessible applications): Opens a new page for creating a link share for the application. The share creation form includes fields such as Public Title, Expiration Date, Usage Allowed, Account, Secure Phrase, Confirm Phrase, and Sharing Note. Submitting the form creates a share link for the application. (Note: Only administrators can share applications, and the application must be allowed for the Anonymous group to be shareable)

Session Management

Within the Applications, there is a switch at the top-middle section that allows users to toggle between Applications Management and Session Management views.

In the Session Management view, users can access applications and manage previously opened application sessions in a web-based manner. The default page displays the last accessed application web page. At the bottom, there is a component similar to a browser address bar, displaying the current web page's title. On the left side, there are two buttons (< >) for navigating backward and forward within the current page history. On the right side, there are two buttons: one for refreshing the current page and the other for jumping to the Session Management view.

In the Session Management view, each application with active sessions is represented by an application sessions card. The card includes the application's icon, display name, and protocol, hostname or IP address, and port of the server to connect to. The card also features a "Close All" button, which allows users to choose whether to close all sessions or only inactive sessions for that application.


The Applications in Splashtop Secure Workspace Mobile Client provides a comprehensive interface for managing and accessing applications. The Applications Management view allows users to view and configure application details, while the Session Management view offers a web-based way to access and manage application sessions. With its intuitive design and functionality, the Applications enhances productivity and simplifies application management for users.

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