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Article Summary

The Invitation Email Templates feature in Splashtop Secure Workspace allows you to manage and customize the email templates used for inviting users to the workspace. This document provides an overview of the Templates page and explains the available actions.

Accessing the Templates Page

To access the Templates page and manage your invitation email templates, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Settings section in the Splashtop Secure Workspace.
  2. Click on the "Templates" option.

Viewing and Managing Invitation Email Templates

On the Templates page, you will see a list of available invitation email templates. Each template is identified by its unique Template Name. By default, there is a system-built template named "Default," which cannot be edited or deleted. Here are the actions you can perform on each template:

  1. Edit: Clicking the "Edit" button allows you to modify the content and settings of the selected template. You can customize the email content, replace the icon, and personalize the template using available variables such as organization name, login name, user name, and onboarding URL. After making the desired changes, you can save the modified template.
  2. Delete: The "Delete" button allows you to remove the selected template from the system. Please note that this action is irreversible and will permanently delete the template.

Feel free to manage your invitation email templates by performing these actions based on your requirements. You can edit the content, customize the design, and personalize the templates to align with your organization's branding and communication style.

Create Email Template

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