Connector Uninstallation
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Connector Uninstallation

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Article summary

Thank you for using Splashtop Secure Workspace Connector. If you need to uninstall the connector for any reason, please follow the steps below.

Uninstalling the Connector on Windows

Here are the steps to uninstall the connector on a Windows operating system:

  1. Access the Connector Installation Directory:
    • Open a PowerShell terminal window with administrator privileges.
    • Navigate to the directory where you initially deployed the connector.
  2. Locate the Connector Binary:
    • Search for the binary file named .\connector-${connector-name}.exe within the deployment directory.
  3. Execute the Uninstall Command:
    • Run the uninstallation command with elevated privileges:
      .\connector-${connector-name}.exe -uninstall

Ensure to replace ${connector-name} with the Connector Name that you were given when you deployed the connector on website. This command will remove the connector from your system.

Uninstalling the Connector on MacOS

Here are the steps to uninstall the connector on a MacOS operating system:

  1. Access the Connector Installation Directory:
    • Open a terminal window.
    • Navigate to the directory where you initially deployed the connector.
  2. Locate the Connector Binary:
    • Search for the binary file named ./connector-${connector-name} within the deployment directory.
  3. Execute the Uninstall Command:
    • Run the uninstallation command with elevated privileges (such as using sudo):
      sudo ./connector-${connector-name} -uninstall

Ensure to replace ${connector-name} with the Connector Name that you were given when you deployed the connector on website. This command will remove the connector from your system.

Uninstalling the Connector on Linux

Here are the steps to uninstall the connector on a Linux operating system:

  1. Access the Connector Installation Directory:
    • Open a terminal window.
    • Navigate to the directory where you initially deployed the connector.
  2. Locate the Connector Binary:
    • Search for the binary file named ./connector-${connector-name} within the deployment directory.
  3. Execute the Uninstall Command:
    • Run the uninstallation command with elevated privileges (such as using sudo):
      sudo ./connector-${connector-name} -uninstall

Ensure to replace ${connector-name} with the Connector Name that you were given when you deployed the connector on website. This command will remove the connector from your system.

Docker Uninstallation

If you installed Splashtop Secure Workspace Connector using Docker, follow these steps to uninstall:

  1. Stop and Remove Docker Container:

    # Replace the variables with the actual values after conversion
    docker stop connector-${tenant-name}-${corp-name}-${connector-name}
    docker rm connector-${tenant-name}-${corp-name}-${connector-name}
  2. Uninstall Docker Image:

    docker rmi splashtopsecurity/ssw-connector:latest

Helm Uninstallation

If you installed Splashtop Secure Workspace Connector using Helm, follow these steps to uninstall:

  1. Execute Helm Uninstall Command:

    # Replace the variables with the actual values after conversion
    helm uninstall -n ssw-connector ${tenant-name}-${corp-name}-${connector-name}


  • If the connector was deployed in cluster mode, repeat the uninstallation process for each instance.
  • Please replace ${tenant-name} ${corp-name} ${connector-name} with the corresponding values after conversion, ensuring only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are retained, and truncated to the first 8 characters.
  • Check Website Status:
    • After uninstalling, the connector may still appear on the website with a status change to "disconnected."
    • You can choose to redeploy it or remove it permanently from the website.

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